March 17th, St. Paddy’s day.
I get the feeling we’re living in a Franz Kafka story. Here in San Mateo County we’ve been ordered to “shelter in place,” like sheep in the stockyards. We live in interesting times.
This pandemic, and in particular the world’s response to it, doesn’t seem quite real. We’re surrounded by hysterical pundits shouting impending doom. But the information has the whiff of an unreliable narrator. What are we not being told? This event will no doubt inspire dozens of apocalyptic novels and movies. The question is, after living through it, will anyone want to buy those books or watch those movies? In the meantime, I’ll whistle past the graveyard, write about the world as it was, and try not to contemplate an uncertain future.
Don’t worry, be happy, smile if you can.
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